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Date:  Saturday 19 October 2024
Time:  10:30am – 1:30pm

Venue:  BIG LEO KIDS, Giselastraße 24, 1st Floor
(4 minutes walk from Giselastraße U-bahn U3/U6).

Changing your view of the world through yoga inversions

Throughout this workshop, we will be working on a range of inversions, including mild inversions – those positions in which the heart is higher than the head, and full inversions - those positions where the feet are higher than the heart. Through the regular practice of inversions, we begin to learn to shift our literal view of the world and challenge our everyday perspective. By turning our worlds upside down, we also learn to move through our fears and anxieties, increasing our own inner strength and confidence. On a physical level, by the reversing of the natural flow of blood, metabolic waste and stress hormones throughout the body, we help to improve the functioning of our circulatory, lymphatic, nervous and endocrine systems. Please note that this workshop is not suitable for those with high blood pressure, heart conditions or eye problems.

The workshop will include the practice of Pranayama (working with the breath) and meditation.

Cost: 45€



  • For hygiene purposes, we ask you to bring your own Yoga mat for practice.  Please also bring something to sit on - a block or a small cushion or blanket.
  • Please bring your own cup - we will be as usual serving our home made Chai after class!

Spaces are limited. To register for the workshop, please send an email to to reserve your place